Production 2017-2018 (Radical Choreographic Object) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, ….
with Sarah Fdili Alaoui (scientist and artist) Teaser 1 Teaser 2 (outdoors)
Participatory and site-specific choreographic performance with interaction via smartphones, at will… – variable durations: 25-40 mn
Dossier– full description – tech sheet
full take (password: RCO) outdoors
full take (password: RCO2) indoors
Outdoor version Video teaser
VR version (virtual reality): RCO remixed
See photos further down the page
contact Dissemination –>
Toulouse contact: (0)6 11 77 54 56
Choreographers: Jean-Marc Matos & Sarah Fdili Alaoui
Dancers-performers: Ambre Cazier, Izaskun Insausti, David Mazon, Mario Garcia Saez
Technological collaboration: Arnaud Courcelle (main designer of the interactive set via mobile phones) and Jean-Philippe Rivière (LRI laboratory)
Costumes: Aline Pérot
Artistic collaboration: Marianne Masson
Recent presentations:
– June 25, 2025, Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of the European Cooperation project AEPYDEA (CSGO BEST, France/Bulgaria/Greece, 2024-2026)
– December 14, 2024, TerraViva, Venerque (as part of the forum on AI), 3 pm
– Novembre 16, 2024, “Les trophées du numérique” Festival, Martres-Tolosane, 4 pm
– August 29, 2023, Université d’été de la CFDT, château de Bierville, Boissy-la-Rivière, Étampes, Essonne
– July 1st, 2022, « Je vous écris du futur » Festival , Bibliothèque des Bouches du Rhône, Marseille
– Avril 16, 2022, Espace Magelis, Angoulême, in the frame of the ANDS project
– November 9, 2021, Scène de Recherche, ENS Paris-Saclay, as part of the “séquence Arts & sciences” Biennale Nemo
« in the frame of Nemo, International Biennale of digital arts of the Region Île-de-France. A Le CENTQUATRE PARIS production »
– November 5, 2021, inauguration evening of the future LabArt within the engineering school INSA of Toulouse
Other presentations:
– January 31, 2020, inauguration of the new building of the ENS Paris-Saclay, EXPLORE! event
– November 15, 2019, as part of the CURIOSITas Arts&Sciences Festival, Conservatory of Paris-Saclay (Orsay)
– September 26, 2019, as part of the Tomorrow Stories (Les Storygraphes) Festival, Bellegarde Cultural Center, Toulouse Video teaser
– July 21, 2019, “RCO Moon”, in the context of the 50th anniversary of the first landing on the moon, Cité de l’espace, Toulouse Video teaser
– June 16, 2019, as part of the European event Womarts, Caj Grand Font, Angoulême
– April 8, 2019, Créteil, Val de Marne (near Paris)
– July 14, 2018, Museum les Abattoirs, Toulouse (Science in the City Festival/ ESOF)
– May 18, 2018, Theater Marcel Pagnol, Villeneuve-Tolosane
– April 13-14, 2018, Theater Le Ring, Toulouse video teaser
– March 30, 2018, Opening Exhibition at the Ardenome, ancien Grenier à sel, (EDIS donation fund), Avignon
– December 19, 2017, Bellegarde Cultural Center, Toulouse as part of the Metabody_Toulouse 2017 event
– November 7, 2017, Le CENTQUATRE, Paris (50th anniversary of the INRIA) video teaser
RCO is an interactive participatory dance performance, on variable scales, which unfolds according to the physical behavior of audience participation and their reactions instructed via their smartphones. Audiences, as they desire, trigger rules which they discover little by little.
Messages, as invitations (in French, Chinese, English or any other language) are being sent, via a local mobile telephone network (which we provide), on the smartphones of participating audiences.
A unique choreography which adapts itself to the participants, the architectural spaces and the number of dancers-performers.
RCO is the recipient of the call for proposals Phare 2017, the Diagonale Paris-Saclay.
Partners: la Diagonale Paris-Saclay, Investissements d’Avenir, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, INRIA ex(situ team, Cultural Center Bellegarde, CDCN of Toulouse, Studio the Vannerie, Theater le Ring (Toulouse).
City of Toulouse, Regional Council Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée, local Council of the Haute-Garonne.
photos: Fabien Leprieult
Video filming and editing (the 104): Tamara Erde
Filming-editing (Theater Le Ring): Aurélia Clément & Loïc Matos
Filming (CC Bellegarde): Emmanuel Rufié & David Lidier, Editing: Glenn Felix
Video filming and editing (outdoor version): Ambre Cazier