> Friday February 28, 2pm. Production 2024. Dance and AI. Performance Installation. Médiathèque José Cabanis, Toulouse. Festival Scroll. Full Program. Grant form the CNC (ministry of Culture). Dance and AI…

> jeudi 12 décembre, 20h, “Maraya Arrouh” et “Myselves”, Théâtre le Kiasma, Castelnau-le-Lez. Soirée exceptionnelle de danse contemporaine en environnement numérique : https://www.lekiasma.fr/evenement/Myselvesetmarayaarrouh « Maraya Arrouh » (miroirs de l’âme),…

> May 18, 2024, 6:00, 8:00, 9:00 pm Presentation of the new choreography “Commune Beauté / IMA” danced by the Izumi Company‘s Institute of the Arab World, Paris. VIDEO. https://www.imarabe.org/en

> May 7, 2024, 2:30 pm. Marcel Pagnol Theater, Villeneuve-Tolosane. Performance for Primary School classes (“Danse à l’Ecole”). Dance and interactive technology production with an installation by digital artist Arnaud…

> January 30, 2024. Performance. Community Center, Bérat, Haute-Garonne. Supported by the National Renovation Fund, Culture/Education, in rural aereas. https://www.k-danse.net/en/portfolio/atelier-focale-z/

> February 8, 2024, 7-9 pm. INSA, auditorium, 135 av de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse cedex 04. Workshop-conference about contemporary création and IA, with mini performance. https://www.k-danse.net/portfolio/atelier-focale-z/

> February 23 and 24, 2024, 2-7 pm. Médiathèque José Cabanis, 1 allée Jacques Chaban Delmas, 31500 Toulouse. Discovery and creation workshop with the interactive body-image installation by digital artist…

Metabody_Toulouse #1 (LAB7 BODYNET-KHORÓS) 22-25 août 2023, 17h-20h, ateliers gratuits tout public, Performance participative : 25 août, 19h30 Parc de la Reynerie, Toulouse autour du projet « Metatopia » avec…

> 6-8 septembre, 1ère « Jornada », auditorium Sa Maniga, Son Servera, Majorque, Îles Baléares, Espagne Soutien : Occitanie en scène. Projet eurorégional Cies Konic thtr (Barcelone), Baal (Majorque, Iles Baléares), K….

Production 2023 A frictional reality. A post-human fiction. A live performance, and participatory installation. > May 26, 2023, Bellegarde Cultural Center, Toulouse, France. With Arnaud Courcelle, Antonella Sampieri, Jean-Marc Matos…

> January 14, 2023, MCC, Bourg en Bresse. teaser . > November 12, 2022, Matisse cultural space, Soyaux (Angoulême), ANDS project > October 1st, 2022, Mercurio, Festival, Italy. Choreographers: Ahlam…

> February 7-11, 2022, residency at the Scene44, Artistic Factory (european scene for choreographic creation & digital innovation), Marseille – Public presentation Friday 11, 7pm – Production 2021 – video…

> December 9-11, 2021, creative workshop, Barcelona – Platform for on line dance connecting K. Danse (Tlse), Kònic Thtr (Barcelona) and Cy MAO (Palma, Majorca) / Recipient of the call…

Next residency with Halle de la machine, Toulouse, postponed, 2021 – Video teaser, October 2-3, 2020 – le Ring Scène périphérique, Toulouse –3 women and 1 animated semi-autonomous machine. Unexpected encounter…

> December 17-18 – Live on YouTube – Remote disaligned dance performance, Bellegarde Cultural Center, Toulouse > video teaser > November 30 – December 4 – National Choreographic Center La…

CANCELED BECAUSE PANDEMIA September 24, 2021 – Quai des Savoirs, Toulouse – European Night of Researchers – thematics “AI and neurosciences ” (ANITI, Artificial & Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute) –…

> November 14, 2019, Theater of the French Institute, Madrid, Spain. In the context of Novembre numérique 2019. Information on https://www.institutfrancais.es/madrid/evento/noviembre-digital-two-pandoras-the-thin-membrane-between-resiliency-and-fragility/ – full dossier Residency at Teatro de les Canales, Madrid,…